Hospital Management Information System
ITSC HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM is a one step solution for various healthcare institutions ranging from OPD Clinics to Multispecialty Hospitals. This versatile software helps in consolidating Clinical, Financial and Administrative Management across the geographically multi located Medical Enterprise. ITSC – HMIS is a comprehensive modular package, which has been carefully developed to put the prevailing healthcare practice information right at the fingertips of user in a logical, predictable, and easy-to-understand manner. The modules covered in our HMIS solution are: Click here For More Information
ADT / Registration
The Registration module deals primarily with patient appointment, registration, admission, discharge and transfer. The patient can make an appointment with the hospital, get registered with specific details, and gets a unique Patient ID No. (Once assigned, remains a permanent reference number for the patient) and a unique visit ID number (Changes with each visit of the patient). After routine registration details have been entered in the system, patient’s socio-demographic profile like patient’s name, Patient ID number, Visit ID number, age/sex are displayed on the title bar of every screen. The module facilitates bed reservation, admission and transfer, subject to and availability and other factors like routine discharge, housekeeping etc. Specific to defined reference criteria, the module helps the user to create a complete record of all patients including their personal and medical details.
The Billing module deals with hospital services and associated billing charges. It includes billing of outpatients and inpatients for registration, services/packages, bed occupancy, pharmacy/material items, blood bank, Operation Theater, diet, and ambulance among others. Financial clearances required at various stages for availing hospital services/facilities are also handled by the Billing module.
Billing module helps hospital to manage corporate, insurance and hospital insurance accounts and bill the patients in each category subject to contract specifications.
The Nursing module allows the user to monitor the activities of inpatients and record progress notes. The Nursing module can perform functions such as viewing service/pharmacy orders, placing service/pharmacy orders, revoking a patient discharge, recording/amending a patient’s temperature, pressure, and pulse readings, administering drugs and transferring a patient from one nursing station to another.
Operation Theatre (OT)
The Operation Theater (OT) module allows the user to process and monitor operation theatre data and services. The Operation Theater module also maintains pre-operation and post-operation notes. In addition, OT supports recording of anesthesia notes, OT checklist, ward checklist, etc.
The module allows the user to view the details of a patient such as the actual examination of the patient by the doctor, recording of history, and findings of the physical examination. Using the clinical documentation feature integrated with this module, doctors can process and report clinical service details and consultation notes. It also allows access to a patient’s medical record and treatment details. The consulting doctor can make a request for admission for an outpatient using this module..
The Service Center Manager (SCM) module of the HIS is a Windows-based, user-friendly program. The Service Center Manager module allows you to monitor the service orders and schedules recorded at the service centers within a hospital. This module allows you to view the details of service schedules. Using this module, you can configure the daily working hours and schedule of staff members. The capacity and unavailability of service centers can also be configured using this module.
Laboratory Information System (LIS)
The Laboratory Information System (LIS) module assists the user in handling all the activities of a clinical laboratory in the hospital and facilitates extensive sample tracking and maintenance of complete result history.
Blood Bank
The Blood Bank module helps users in managing blood inventory, blood orders, donor/receiver information, recording blood test results, and testing and cross matching of blood units in the hospital’s blood bank.
The Masters module allows the user to set up various configurations and parameters including hospital organization, assignment of doctors, location of various facilities, and services offered, among other functions. The user can customize and configure all modules in HIS using the Masters module.
MRD Folder is a physical collection of documents pertaining to a patient obtained from HIS system or outside it, put together in a physical folder, to track the medical history, for diagnosis and treatment and to serve as a supporting document for medico legal cases or for research purposes. This is maintained in the Medical Records Department (MRD) of the hospital. A patient is assigned one MRD Folder volume at the time of first visit to the hospital, if the medical records of the patient are of interest to the hospital as decided by the user. Additional MRD Folder volumes can be created for the patient in case the existing MRD Folder volume cannot hold additional paper documents.
The MRD Folder tracking system allows the user to track the physical location of the MRD Folder at any given point of time. The MRD Folder is kept in an Archive. Archive is the physical location where the MRD Folder is stored while it is in the ‘In Archive’ state. An Archive can further consist of shelves, rows and columns. This helps the MRD Clerk in easy identification of the location of MRD folder volume in the Archive. The Clinical staff uses the folder volume(s) for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. It is not mandatory that the folder volume(s) should be present with the staff while treating the patient.
The MRD Clerk is responsible for maintenance of the Patient folder volume(s). The MRD Clerk performs various operations viz. creation of new MRD Folder volume, additional folder volumes, lending folder volume(s) against request.
A request for MRD folder volume could be automatic or manual. The ADT Clerk places a request automatically, whenever a revisit for a patient is registered. In case of manual request the user selects the folder volume(s) required and places a request with the MRD Clerk.
MRD Folder volume(s) of the patient are lent to the responsible doctors, and nurses against a request, for a given time period. MRD Folder volume(s) can also be lent to the external agencies, viz. other hospitals for research. There is a provision to record return of folder volume(s) back to the archive by the MRD Clerk.
Two MRD folder volume(s) belonging to the same patient can be merged at each of the sites, as applicable. Also, such a merger could be revoked for a patient for all sites, if required.
The process of creating and tracking MRD Folder volume is configurable through a user configurable parameter.
The Security module helps the administrator assign user roles and user privileges, and to keep track of all the events taking place on the network. It helps in creating a complete record of all roles and users of every module on the network, all the events that take place viz. log-ins, and log-offs, as well as privileges assigned to each role and user.
Ambulance Management
Keeps track of Ambulance Movement & Maintenance.
DICOM Viewer
A versatile DICOM Viewer having intuitive user interface equipped with most common tools for manipulation of DICOM images.
Pharmacy Sub Store
Pharmacy Sub Store Module is a Windows based, user-friendly program. Its main functionality is to bring about control over the acquisition, distribution, use, and disposal of pharmacy supplies, in order to carry out the primary responsibility of meeting the demands for an efficient and effective stores-system.
Under a single main store, fall several sub stores. While the main store is a mother-resource for all goods, it is at the sub store level that direct purchasing and order communication for pharmacy items is carried out.